An all wheel drive system that senses when to engage… 20% more… if only sex were as easy as the new Rav 4.
See, I should be a copywriter, none of this pansy driving through mountains shit.
I’m a little… post OC.
Oh god, my secret shame revealed.
It leaves you in quite the lull. Maybe I should be invulnerable, I am invulnerable. Just over lengths of time.
I have been worried about the present. The future is so far away and I have done what I have done, I make no apologies for that, but right now I could be changing what I’m doing, I could be a better or worse person, those decisions are now, that person is me, I’m not thinking about what I’ll become. Which means in this instant I’m not talking to people I could, not writing the sort of wonderful evocative things you want, to dance around you with little shitfest multi-syllable biting cynic’s eyes. I’m just lonely, a little tired, sitting in front of a computer screen and changing nothing, becoming nothing, reflecting over what? This? Hardly. Something like Valentines Day.
Hope you had a good one.
Where are you? And what are you not or almost doing? And who are you not doing it with? I feel for you.
I feel bad now. Much worse than before.
See what I did with my present? See why I’m worried about the now? Even now I’m making myself feel worse.
It’s just a spiky cycle hike, I can’t do it.
Let me wallow in the past, that feels more self-indulgent, but it’s the easy way out. Well… the other easy way out.