She cried: More, More More!
Floorgasm: Climax/Sex so good you fall out of bed, off sofa, off table or just plain fall over.
Boregasm: He’s into it, she’s pretty much already asleep.
Snoregasm: Dream comes.
Fourgasm: A mythical theoretical moment in which both the female and male simultaneously experience clitoral, shaft penile and dual g-spot orgasm. One of the lesser known signs of the apocalypse. The good apocalypse.
Clawgasm: So good the fingernails dig way into the back.
Strawgasm: Thin dick, still works.
Lawgasm: A climax that cost you a lot physically and emotionally, took forever, and leaves you feeling dissatisfied with the very avenue you employed to find fulfillment..
Poorgasm: Cheap creaky spring bed.
Jawgasm: You get that mouth cramp feeling from having it open too long in pleasure.
Gnawgasm: Effective cunniligus.
Boargasm: Sure they’re hairy and bristly and kinda smelly, but you take whatever gets you off.
Yoregasm: The traditional, the nostalgic, the timeless old fashioned O.
Backdoorgasm: The end.