Saturday, May 14, 2005

Shoot the fluffy thing. Kill it dead good.

Last post was kind of dark, so i promise that this one will be all jolly and about bunny rabbits wearign waistcoats to make up for it. KILLING RABBITS IN WAISTCOATS THAT IS!

Nah i'm over it.
I had a good day today, productive it was, yay. rhyming words with Nick O'Shea, like gondolay, or monterey, i'll have my say, I say I say, half of Sydney is gay, or acting in a play, often swings both ways, like Cassius Clay.

And so ends tonights demonstration on how not to become a hip-hop legend. Tune in tomorrow for a 4 part course on burning tacos!

So right now I'm designing costumes for a Clockwork Orange, at my delicious director's delectable request. There's a lot of leather and i just searched the internet for some various inspritation ideas. Note to all: NEVER DO THIS. You'd think i would have realized what typing in punk, leather, tight, goth, bondage etc...into google would come up with but NO! Anyway, assuming I had remembered to put safe search on, i leant something about the 80's. They came up with one really really sexy good looking piece of clothing that was horribly misused and misrepresented: Shoulder Pads!
The greatest masculine phallic symbol that can look amazing and does wonders to a leather ensemble, and then Billy Idol had to go and ruin them for us. I will try and get them into my costume somehow. I will. You just wait.

Music Review of the Week: Hey There Bomb EP, by 67 Special.

Track one, Hey There Bomb: It's good, I'll give them that. Let's have some background though. I bought this CD becuase I saw them live at Rockit '04 and they were amazing. They were easily in the top 3 acts of the whole day and they were in the little intimate tent so it was great. So I am slightly biased in that I've heard all of these tracks live and they are, truth be told, better in that format. The lead singer's hair is just fantastic and their energy makes up a large part of their act... this discussed later. For now, this is the best track and obviously their leading single that will be pushed to the world. And it rocks. It's sing-alongable really easily and has a basic theme you can't go wrong with. It's jumpy, it's sexy, it's a little cliched, but who cares, i say hey there 67 special.

Track Two, Lost That (the way that you do): Nothing really that different from track one actually. Except the slower, nicer introduction. Shows a little musical appreciation once in a while. Not a winner though. These guys need to work on honing down the lesser parts of their act to support the energy, becuase it's coming off not cool on cd. Live, it might be a much needed break, but recorded, i can take more fellers.

Track three, Last Drag: Didn't love this song. It clashes with me. But it's strightfoward, no nonsense rock of the good kind. everything it has should constitute a great song, but it doesn't.

Track four, Princess Pie: So this is the best song live ever. It just works so well. Listen to it with a live context in mind, hair and guitars flying everywhere and an audience shouting along. it works. This at least manages to successfully blend heavy with light and good pop sense with full on rock.

Track five, Curious Mind: This track is the most interesting of the EP in that it is a break away from the rock ethic and a foray into the kind of music that was the introduction to track 2. Basic keyboard riffs. For some reason the chorus chord combination and words reminded me a lot of that Elvis song "suspicious minds" for both obvious and subtle reasons. At 5.05 it's the long, experimental track that all EP's tend to have (sometimes live long experimental tracks) and it's expected, but still kind of boring. All in all a good effort though from a band i'm really starting to like.

Extra Note - The cover design and inlay bit are better than usually seen on EP's. It's a fairly creative effort from an obviously interested designer.

And so it must end once again. I must leave you to your un-funny existences, only for you to wait to be re-humourized next time by something wittier than you could ever know.
lots of Love.


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