Minor Wigglings
I’ll hopefully be messing around with some weird features, and obviously they might not be completely user-friendly at first.
So just to start with there’s some purdy pictures and a jumpbox to my various comic pages, and soon, to all relevent pages. Yay for that. Soon, layout playing and interactive features like myspace music playing or animations. As always, comments are nice.
Oh, and if I haven’t accosted you already, my 24 hour comic entry for this year is available via the link above.
here you go. comment. im sorry this is basic but most of my mental functions are at the moment in an effort to preserve remaining energy for totally ineffective legal process study. thought of way you can view my blog - well, the pretty one. i can add you on msn - right?
yeah, go nuts.
You know my e-mail adress right?
if not, zebedy at gmail dot com. add away!
That goes for everyone, byt the way. MSN means I can rant at you directly.
24 hour comic was amusing. Cute, too.
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