Monday, December 11, 2006

Werewolf (Man Phase)

This week, I learnt a very important lesson. And I learnt it the hard way.

You can spend your time and heart trying to make everyone happy, and be all things to all people, but in the end it's fucking pointless if you can't satisfy yourself. When it all catches up to you, you have to be able to throw in the act and be in the places with the people that matter.

Lately, I've been learning pretty fast that you don't get many shots at life. You have to scream so loud just be thrown a chance, and even then you can miss it. Within the brief blink we get to be people, we are charged by existence with our own satisfaction, and the way we live can not just letting ourselves down - but letting down life itself. I don't want to insult the universe. However and wherever your beliefs and thoughts on the big stuff like this take you, I'm damn thankful. There are only a finite number of people who aren't bollicks. And for me, that's never been clearer.


Blogger rosemarie said...

this comment page says: 'no comments yet.' it makes me feel hopeful, like maybe OJ will *actually* confess, and laura bush will do another hit aznd run, that the arctic and antarctic will be around for my descendants. the promise of 'yet' to me, says 'not now, but the future... the future is an enigma that we cannot know, and maybe y'all gonna get lucky.' and maybe we will.

do not become disillusioned with disillusionment, as somehow i have managed to infer from your post, and like the sound of, so i will write it. get on that freakin' high horse and you stay on come hail shine or a keen eyed soldier with something against men on high horses.

December 15, 2006 11:14 PM  
Blogger Cal Samson said...

Your comments are actually as close as the internet gets to hugs.
It's a warming appreciative glee; simultaneous provision. I agree, and has an excellent quote on it which really sums that feeling of promise up.

December 17, 2006 10:17 PM  

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