Monday, April 03, 2006

Do You See?

“Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze for long into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.” –Nietzsche.

It is overcoming me. I have touched the stars and they did nothing but burn my hands. I have tasted the heavens and found them empty of flavour, empty indeed of all but specks of hydrogen, and sometimes a stray atom of something else.
Heard something that scared me the other day. If quantum theory is correct in many of its assumptions, there should be an infinite amount of possible elements; no two alike. Instead the universe, the whole of everything, is made up of several hundred. JUST SEVERAL HUNDRED ATOMS. Maybe you don’t understand but I kinda do. Shit that’s scary, the infinite unknown. I am gazing into the abyss.

Fear I am alienating those close to me. Don’t think the world looks at me like I look out, I don’t believe people consider others further than what they have heard about them. We understand new concepts by constructing them out of concepts we already know. We try to understand people in the same way but no two living things are alike. No individual being can be understood constructed from what we know of others, what we observe of them in terms of other’s behavior. It’s all so fucked up. I see you, you see me. Think about.

These days, image that keeps popping up is that Pink Floyd album cover. There are two people dancing, old style, in a barren field, near a long faded house, and they are supported and manipulated by strings. If I die before I feel differently, friends, embed this image behind glass on my gravestone. That is my world; those are my people; that is my nostalgia.

And, friends, if you die tomorrow, I will stand impassive at your sides and have this burned into my eyes. I am gazing into the abyss. Think about.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In discussion this day we felt that if one stared long enough into the abyss it was likely that somewhat would indeed stare back. It was posited likely that something would be chaos. Failing that it woul be Groucho Marx. The grand discussion that followed centered around whether or not it made much difference.

April 04, 2006 2:32 AM  
Blogger Pirateguybrush said...

YOu scare me sometimes.

April 05, 2006 1:16 PM  

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